JReleaser 1.0.0-M2
JReleaser 1.0.0-M2 is the second milestone release towards v1.0.0 This realease brings the following updates:
Chocolatey: Lots of improvements in this area such as GitHub workflow files being placed at their correct location; POSIX file permissions handled correctly when running on Windows; skip remote repository when packaging on Windows; simplified templates for BINARY and NATIVE_IMAGE distributions; ability to override package version; validate licenseUrl exists.
Jlink: Refine how classpath is passed to both jdeps and jlink; jdeps may use wildcard in classpath to shorten command invocation (useful on Windows); let jdeps limit module search by defining target classes or JARs.
Assemble: All assemblers may know be invoked without forcing sources to be inside a Git repository. This lets you use JReleaser as a generic jlink/jpackage/graal assembler on any project regardless if you'd release it with JReleaser or not.
Core: Ability to override detected platform, useful when assembling cross-platform Rust binaries. full-release and release offer all missing command options based on the behavior they provide over their aggregated commands.
Breaking changes:
jpackage: conditionally add the current platform to the generated installer file.
jpackage: resourceDir should be platform specific.
release: update is no longer a boolean but its own section.
distribution: executable is no longer a String but its own section.