JReleaser 1.6.0 is now available! This release brings the following features:

Announce: Post announcements to OpenCollective.

Catalog: cyclonedx-cli may be used to generate SBOMs.

Package: Several improvements and fixes applied to Flatpak. SINGLE_JAR distributions are now supported by Macports. Zip based distributions are now supported by Winget. Jib is now supported as a packager; you may use it to build container images.

Deploy: Several updates to Maven deployers. You may now individually override all checks defined by the applyMavenCentralRules property, skip checking for -sources and -javadoc JARs on a given artifact. Nexus2 now checks if GPG keys are publicly available before deployment.

Hooks: Scripts may be defined directly in the model via Script Hooks. Command and script hooks may supply structured output that feeds into the resolved model. They may also be conditionally executed.

🚀 Changelog 📝 Milestone